I have been undecided on what type of helmet to go for on the longer trips. I’ve been using my Airoh Aviator, which is great for enduro. The problem is that, it has pretty limited visibility which is a bit of a problem in road use. Also, I’m not sure whether riding with goggles for days on end is the best option.
I decided to go for a jet helmet as it has good visibility and doesn’t block your face, making communication easy. I also wanted the helmet to have a flip down sun visor.
So there it is; The Nolan N43E. First impressions are that it’s a nice helmet. It fits nicely and the quick lock is pretty handy.
The sun visor could be a bit longer but it’s not really an issue. In terms of ventilation the vents are pretty far back. So it’s pretty warm on the forehead, but flipping up the visor cools you down quickly. The obvious issue is that it offers a more limited protection in crashes compared to a full helmet. Well, you can’t have everything and every individual will have to decide what level of risk is acceptable to them. As for me, I’m looking at using this helmet for enduro touring on the KTM. Cruising speed is slower than on the street bike and traffic is nonexistent. Come to think of it, I often ride a lot faster on my mountain bikes, wearing just a normal MTB helmet.
All in all I’m very happy with it. I’ll just need to remember not to crash on my face.
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